Saturday, August 30, 2008

August Savings!

Well, it is time to look at how I did with my grocery budget for the month of August.

We are a family of 4. We have 2 growing preteens who enjoy snacks and eat more and more as they get older. They are especially active right now and are participating in 2 sports. So, there is a lot of calorie consumption going on in order to keep them fueled for these activities.

I have been using a grocery saving service called The Grocery Game. Check out my previous posts for information about this. It helps me create my grocery list, tells me where to find the coupons, and lets me know if this item is on sale for its lowest price. Using the grocery game has helped me save more money on groceries. Another way I have been able to save more money, is that I have forced myself to keep track of my grocery spending on an index card. By writing down what I spend every week, it helps me consider what I spend at each shop. This has really helped our family. I use to have grocery bills that were over 200 dollars each time I shopped.

I shop at 3 stores: Meijer, Kroger, and Aldi. This month I have not been to Aldi because I have been able to get all of groceries at Kroger and Meijer for less!!! Our Kroger and Meijer doubles coupons up to .50 cents.

spent 98.00
saved 65.00

spent 123.00
saved 81.00

Spent 56.00
Saved 44.00

spent 92
saved 74.00

Monthy total spent = $369
Monthy total saved = $255.00- $7.50=$247.50

Now, I have to deduct $7.50 from the saved amount because this is the cost for me to get 2 lists from the grocery game for the month. Not too bad!!! A $7.50 investment in order to save $247.50!!

I hope to keep our grocery bill under $400 for the month of September. Eventually, my goal will be $75.00 a week. I know this is possible because as I shop I am creating my stockpile and I am finding that I need to purchase less and less to get through each week.

Happy saving!!

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