Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Shopping the day after Thanksgiving?


Hello! I know that many of us deal shoppers plan on hitting the malls or stores the day after Thanksgiving or this coming weekend.

My friend Carrie shared this site with me... There are lots of coupons that can be printed and brought in to the various stores. Check it out!!!

Also, don't forget EBATES! They are now offering 10 dollars back to new customers! Check them out if you are new to EBATES! Since joining in August, I have earned back 90 dollars!!! I have received 2 checks from them. They send out their checks every 3 months!!!

Check out my EBATES link on the side of the page! It is a wonderful site....

Monday, November 24, 2008

November savings...

11/2-11/8 (Aldi and Meijer)
Spent 63
Saved 12

11/9-11/15 (Meijer)
Spent 99
Saved 65

11/16-11/22 (Meijer)
Spent 59
Saved 36

11/23-11/29 (Meijer and Aldi)
Spent 80
Saved 45

Total monthly spent: 301
Total monthly saved: 158
Average weekly grocery bill: $75.25

Yes, this was a great budget this month. I do have to be honest that I didn't do much cooking this month. It really seemed like a fix it and go month. It seemed like our family was running in all different ways this month. I did make a "real" dinner about 8 times this month.
We also ate about about 4 times this month.

I know that many of you wonder how we do it on such a small budget. I wanted to share a few reasons.

1. My children refuse to bring their lunch to school. They love the school cafeteria so very rarely am I buying groceries to take for lunch. This saves my grocery bill, but I still have to pay the school for their food.
2. I bring my lunch to work. This saves some money. Lately, I have been bad and have eaten out more than I should have. :)
3. I force myself to stick to a budget and force myself to cook from my stockpile. Very rarely do I fix a meal that I feel like unless all of the items are available. I challenge you to try to create meals out of food you already have in your home. It is amazing how much food we have but we don't feel like making it....You must have felt like making it at some point because otherwise the food wouldn't be in your house!
4. Very rarely will I buy an item that is not on sale. So almost everything that I fix for meals or snacks was purchased ON SALE!!! If you haven't gotten to this stage yet, it will happen. I have begun to learn that I can wait for something until it goes on sale. Usually, the item I want/need will be on sale in a week or two. I find that when I buy items that I have to have to make a certain meal, it is almost always on sale the next week or I didn't get around to making it that week and could have purchased the item the next week and saved sooooo much more money.

I hope some of these tips and/or strategies help! Remember the key is that if you are reading this blog and are now a coupon clipper, you are saving more money now than you had before.

Think about what you can do with your extra savings each month!

Grocery Savings for week of 11/23-11/29

2 great shops this week!!!

Aldi spent $17.86 (bought salmon, diced tomatoes, parmesan cheese, licorice, gummi bears, chicken noodle soup, salad, microwave popcorn)

Meijer spent $62 and saved $45

Meijer savings for 11/16-11/22

Spent 59 and saved 36!!!


Sunday, November 16, 2008

Trust the Grocery Game List

Well, I hit Meijer on Saturday night the last day of their weekly sale. I had decided to make some potato soup this week so I bought a big bag of potatoes. Well, guess what ...This morning (Sunday) Meijer now has the same bag of potatoes on sale for -2.00!!!

I hate it when this happens!!! I know that I shouldn't kick myself for this but since I haven't used the potatoes yet I could have saved $2!


More Meijer Savings

I have found that recently on my grocery game list that they refer to coupons that I don't have. I know that many of these coupons that I don't have are available on line but the questions was always where?

Well, I found another great blog called Mommy Snacks.

She takes the Meijer list and links the coupons that are available on line. I wish that I had checked out her blog last night when I hit the last day of the sale, because I found out that she had posted links for the coupons that I didn't have on hand.

So check out her blog before you head to Meijer!


Saturday, November 15, 2008

Meijer shop 11/9-11/15

Meijer shop....

spent 99 and saved 65

Meijer shop week of 11/2-11/8

I have fallen behind posting my savings for the month of November!

Aldi spent $23.27
Meijer spent 40 and saved 12

Total groceries for the week 63.27


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Aldi price list....

Through my internet searching I found a price list for Aldi. As you make your grocery lists you can reference the Aldi list and see if you can get the item for cheaper!!



You will want to click on the PDF file at the bottom of his post.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Donating to food pantries

This is the time of year many area food pantries are looking for donations. As I posted in my most recent post, my daughter cleaned out my canned food supply as her school was having a competition about whose school could donate the most canned food items to an area food pantry.

If you are shopping the grocery game or using coupons and shopping the sales, I know you have been thrilled with your savings that you have made for your family.

Try spending an extra 10 dollars this week and see how many extra canned goods, cleaning products, and/or toiletries you can get and consider donating these items to your local church and/or food pantry. If you are saving great percentages on your shopping, your 10 dollar investment would be 20 dollars worth of food. Your 20 dollar investment would be 40 dollars worth of food, etc. Imagine the possibilities!

During your next grocery shop, try turning your savings adventure into one that can also help people in your own community!

Shopping....Where to save the most money!

I am sure that if you are regular reader of my blog, you are a price shopper. I have been writing about how great the grocery game is and have loved the amount of money it has saved me.

However, you still need to know your prices. Since using the grocery game, I have been buying brand name products that I would have never have bought before ONLY because I am getting them cheaper than the store generic and ALDI.

A good price shopper knows their prices and knows that even though the grocery game may be showing an item that is a considerable discount you might still be able to get it at ALDI or it might be a better deal to buy the store generic.

Even though that this hasn't been the case for awhile, I did make an Aldi run on Sunday. My family and I were craving some chilli. Ground turkey was on sale at Meijer this week so I based my meal on a sale item. Well, my canned tomato stockpile got donated to my daughters school for their canned food drive a couple of weeks ago. Being a good price shopper, I knew that since tomatoes were not on sale at Meijer or Kroger that I would need to make a trip to Aldi. I purchased my canned tomatoes for .49 cents a piece where at Meijer they were .90 for the store generic. So, it is good to know your prices.

I managed to hit Aldi and Meijer in less than 40 minutes. Yeah!

I was a little frustrated as usually Aldi's milk is cheaper than Meijer unless Meijer is having milk on sale. For some reason, I didn't notice that Meijer was having their gallons of milk on sale for 2.50 each. So, I bought a gallon at Aldi for 2.59. I know that it was only 9 cents but with my new savings plan and grocery budget, I was sad that I didn't save the 9 cents. I know that I need to get a life! :)

Take care!!! Happy shopping! I plan doing my grocery shopping on Tuesday or Wednesday this week!