Okay! I wish I knew about this website about 4 years ago. My dear husband and I have been great internet shoppers. We use the internet to price shop and compare. Many times we have ordered from various stores as well as use this information to buy at a store in our town.
Well, Ebates pays you to shop online. The key is that you have to go through their website to begin shopping. I would bookmark this page and then link to the stores you would like to shop at. Every store (they have over 900) listed offers a percentage rebate. The company will send you a check every 3 months if your rebate total is over $5.01. Just by signing up you earn $5.oo.
Once you begin using the site and like it, refer your friends to this site and you will also earn $5.00's if they purchase. (Thanks Deanna!)
Every day they have a few featured stores that double their rebate amount. The other day Barnes and Noble doubled their rebate from 4% to 8%.
So, I decided to begin Christmas shopping for nieces and nephews!! Barnes and Noble was having a sale on games, puzzles, etc. I received free shipping, got some great items on sale, and earned a rebate of 5.00 for my purchases.
Later on that day, I realized that I needed ink for my printer and thought that I should try to see if there was a store within ebates that I could order ink from. I ordered 2 black ink cartridges and a colored ink cartridge from Office Depot. I of course price shopped to see where I could find it the cheapest! I earned back 4% and had free shipping. I didn't have to drive a mile; therefore saving my treasured gas. I am now up to $18.00 that they will be sending me in August.
If you are interested in checking out this great resource, check on the link above or on the side!
Well, Ebates pays you to shop online. The key is that you have to go through their website to begin shopping. I would bookmark this page and then link to the stores you would like to shop at. Every store (they have over 900) listed offers a percentage rebate. The company will send you a check every 3 months if your rebate total is over $5.01. Just by signing up you earn $5.oo.
Once you begin using the site and like it, refer your friends to this site and you will also earn $5.00's if they purchase. (Thanks Deanna!)
Every day they have a few featured stores that double their rebate amount. The other day Barnes and Noble doubled their rebate from 4% to 8%.
So, I decided to begin Christmas shopping for nieces and nephews!! Barnes and Noble was having a sale on games, puzzles, etc. I received free shipping, got some great items on sale, and earned a rebate of 5.00 for my purchases.
Later on that day, I realized that I needed ink for my printer and thought that I should try to see if there was a store within ebates that I could order ink from. I ordered 2 black ink cartridges and a colored ink cartridge from Office Depot. I of course price shopped to see where I could find it the cheapest! I earned back 4% and had free shipping. I didn't have to drive a mile; therefore saving my treasured gas. I am now up to $18.00 that they will be sending me in August.
If you are interested in checking out this great resource, check on the link above or on the side!
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