Saturday, April 25, 2009

A Visit to the Mall....

Look for the deals everywhere!!!!

Well, we made a quick run into the mall today to get a last minute birthday gift and to find a swimsuit for one of my daughters. Every store that we went to we used a coupon or a rewards card!!! My daughters are now creatures of couponing!!!

We went to Justice to get a swimsuit and I had forgotten (hard to believe :) ) my 30% off coupon. Luckily, the wonderful cashier there took the 30% off for my daughter's swimsuit. I had decided that if she didn't I would put the swimsuit on hold, drive home to get the coupon, and then bring the swimsuit to her at the birthday party. I can't bear to pay full price for anything.

Then we went to Bath and Body works to buy the birthday gift and got the birthday girl some wonderful perfume and soap. It smelled yummy. Buying 2 of these items gave us a cheaper price and I had a coupon for a free fragrance item so I was able to get 2 wallflower refills for my home!!!

Off to the Hallmark store....I have a stash of cute cards (from the $ store that were only .50) that I keep at home in my present closet to give for all different occasions but I wasn't going to be able to run home before I dropped her off at her party so I used my Hallmark rewards card and earned some reward points for the $1 cards that I bought.

Then on our way out of the mall, one of my daughters decided she wanted a drink at Gloria Jean's so she got out her mall gift card that she had gotten for her birthday and ordered a delicious carmel beverage. One taste of this delicious drink and I was in heaven. Yummy!!! As she paid, I watched her whip out her Gloria Jean's reward card to earn her a free drink. I have taught her well!!

I am sure many of you have some stories about your savings to share!!! Feel free to post them as a comment. We can learn so much from each other!!!

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