Saturday, April 25, 2009

Shop at Meijer on 4/25 Spent 67 and Saved 36

Today was a quick shop at Meijer.

I was in and out of the store within 20 minutes (I did stop and talk to a friend for a short bit!).

I spent 67 (with tax) and saved 36.
I had almost 14 dollars in coupons.
I saved 22 dollars by buying items that were on sale.

My husband made a Sam's run on Friday. For my friends that follow my blog, they know how much this makes me cringe. I know that there are some items that are a good value. There are also quite a few things that our family loves that we can't find at other stores. So on the weeks that he shops at Sam's I try to keep my Meijer/Aldi/Kroger bills lower to offset the Sam's bill. I haven't seen the reciept yet, but have a feeling that I will need to be creative with my cooking and shopping this week.

Our biggest expenses is sports beverages. All four of us are very active. My husband and I have developed a love for running and my daughters are now up to 3 sports during this spring season. We can't seem to keep the propel or gatorade in the house. If anyone has any suggestions about how to get this for cheaper, I would love some suggestions. Occasionally, I will get the sport drink that Aldi sells. Otherwise, it seems like we go through gallons of this stuff. It seems like it NEVER goes on sale!

Enjoy this beautiful weather and I think spring is finally here!!!

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