This week's shop was very productive. I found everything on my list and got in and got of Meijer in less than 30 minutes.
I spent $79.00 dollars and saved $44.00. I had to buy a few things that weren't on sale but this was a good shop. I am very pleased that most weeks I have been able to keep our bills at 100.00 dollars or less.
Those of you who are watching the ads may have noticed that we are in a soup cycle. It seems like soup is on sale everywhere and the coupons in the Sunday paper are also for soup. If you haven't been paying attention to the cycles that occur, stores tend to offer certain items on sale during certain seasons. For example, ice cream was on sale quite a bit during the summer months. The trends change which is good because the theory to saving money is to stockpile (buy as much of an item that you would need over 12 weeks.) When a certain item is being featured over a few weeks the goal is to buy that item at its lowest price, if you buy 12 weeks of an item you will never have to pay full price for any item. Because this item will go on sale again when your stockpile begins to run out. This may sound like you are buying a lot of food, but it really depends on what your family eats. For example, sometime in August pasta was on sale. I bought 12 boxes of pasta, because I knew that we would eat at least a box a week.
How and where to store your food...
Many people who have joined the grocery game have used their savings from the first month for an extra freezer to help accomodate their stockpiles. We have an extra fridge/freezer from a recent fridge upgrade. I know that everyone doesn't have tons of extra cabinet space so some additional ways to store food would be in bins with lids. Most of the items you will stockpile are nonperishables. I have read about people who store these in their basement, garage, etc.
The key is to not overbuy. I know when I first started this process, I felt like I was still buying items that were on sale even though I had already created quite a stockpile. I acquired about 10 tubes of toothpaste and kept buying more. I kept thinking since I was buying toothpaste for .50-1.00, I couldn't pass up the deals. I finally had to force myself to make sure that I didn't buy more if I already had enough. It is amazing how you begin to go crazy with the sale prices of items and feel like you have to get it because it is on sale. I have learned every item will eventually go on sale again. The key is to try to make it without having to buy that item until it is on sale again. Some items I will be buying every week no matter if it is on sale or not: yogurt, milk, and some times meats...
I hope that you are beginning to understand this adventure. I know that I am thrilled that I have cut my grocery budget in 1/2 since I have started couponing. I still can't believe that I use to spend almost $800 a month on groceries. I try to stay close to $400 a month! Think of what you could do with $400 dollars extra a month!! Every little bit you save will help you with whatever financial goals you have!
I recommend you begin your coupon adventure!!
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