Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Meijer (saved 50.00) and Kroger (saved 24.81)

What a great shop!!!!

My daughter and I went shopping together and hit Kroger and Meijer. I usually don't shop during the week, but the girls don't have school tomorrow because of parent/teacher conferences. Since it wasn't a "school night" for them, I felt like this evening was a little more low key. I made my list last night for both Meijer and Kroger and hit them both in one evening. It has been a long time since I have done 2 stores in one day.

We went to Kroger first since I had the least amount of items that I would be buying this week.

At Kroger I bought halloween candy, goldfish crackers, sausage, yogurt, and chicken patties. Everything that I bought was on sale. I had coupons for all of these items as well. I even had an additional shortcuts coupon that was loaded onto my Kroger card. If you have a Kroger card, you can load coupons on to it and then use an additional manufacturers coupon. The website is www.shortcuts.com

Our total was $22.94. I saved $24.81 (5.50 coupons and saved 19.31 for items that were on sale)
This is a 52% savings. YEAH!!!

Meijer was an adventure. It is amazing how you really need to make sure you have a good cashier. I don't know if my cashier was just learning, but she struggled with my coupons, kept dropping items, and rang up my items multiple times. She said that she took an item off that she didn't so I had to go to customer service after our shop.

I bought 4 loafs of bread, 2 dozen eggs, toilet paper, 6 yogurt, 6 pizzas, 2 shells and cheese, 2 on the go drink mixes, 4 pudding, icecream, 5 boxes of granola bars, 2 boxes of captain crunch, 1 box of Life, mascara, and turkey breast.

Everything was on sale and I used coupons as well!! My total was 59.00. I saved 49.44 (Meijer promotions 3.99, On sale -28.65, Coupons used -16.80)

Oh my! I just noticed that she also charged me for an extra pizza!!! How frustrating!!!

Since I have begun my coupon adventure, I refuse to buy most things unless they are on sale. Without the grocery game, I was buying items that were on sale but could be a cheaper price at a later date. I love that the grocery game does all the thinking for me! I save a much greater percentage when I use their grocery lists!!!

So for this week's groceries, I spent $82.00 and saved $74.25. Almost 50% off!!

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