1. Menu plan based on the sales for that week.
I plan our meals on Sunday. Sunday is a good planning day because I begin my grocery shopping on Sunday. I grocery shop on Sunday at Kroger and on Tuesday at Meijer. I also consider items for our meals that I may have stocked up on during previous weeks.
I found a really great website that you can input the items you have in your pantry and/or fridge and it will give you a recipe to use.
2. Challenge yourself to create meals from what you have in the fridge/pantry/freezer.
I am always amazed how many meals I can get out of this stash. Many times I don't feel like eating it or making it but forcing myself to use what I have really decreases my weekly grocery bill.
3. Try to buy as many of your frequently used products as you can when they are on sale. If you aren't a member of the grocery game, I would keep a price book. You don't need to keep track of every single item but keep track of your most commonly used and/or expensive items. Also with your price book consider the price of the item per unit/ounce. Many times you will find that the smaller package is actually cheaper, especially when you can apply a coupon to the item. You might be able to get it for free.
4. Keep an index card in your purse and/or wallet and keep track of your weekly spending. If you are looking at a way to cut your expenses, set a weekly goal.
After each shop, I write down what I spent and what I saved.

Happy saving!!!
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