I think it is time to remind you about ebates. I had written about this in previous post. Ebates is a website that pays you to shop. If you are an internet shopper or a person who is trying to save money on gas, ebates is for you. They have over 900 stores that as long as you shop through their site you will earn money back. The way this works is you will earn a percentage back. After 3 months of earning money, they will send you a check. So far our family has earned $48.00 buying things that we would have bought anyways, but also receiving a refund. We recieved our first ebates check last week. I was thrilled! I also decreased my mileage as most of these purchases earned free shipping and saved our family gas money!!
Many of you may be hesistant and think that it isn't worth the money to shop online, because of the shipping charges. Most of the time I am able to find a free shopping coupon online. There is a great website http://www.freeshipping.org/ . This website will give free shipping codes for online stores. You may find that you save more money because you don't buy extra items you would if you were in the store. You may also find that you have a wider selection. Many times I know that I have gone to the store and found that they didn't have the size, color, or style I wanted but was able to find it online.
There is another website that I also pair with freeshipping.org. It is called http://www.retailmeknot.com/ . This website consists of additional codes that that allow you to apply an additional discount to your purchase. Sometimes it is a percentage off or a flat dollar amount. This is what you would enter during checkout and it is the promotional code that I always wished that I had.
So check out ebates!!! Use my link at the side of this page and see how many stores you can shop and enjoy saving money!!
I buy online all the time because it helps me save money by getting a little something back. I use Savingswatch.com instead,it gives a much higher cashback! Just got an email from them -they just mailed my quarterly Big Fat Check- and it's $76.65. It’s worth checking out!