Sunday, May 15, 2011

Uggh!!! Still not back on the wagon

I know that I have expressed many times that I just can't seem to make couponing a priority. I am going to try again....

I have been keeping a spreadsheet on my grocery and eating out for the last 3 months. I just crunched the numbers and I am frustrated with myself.

Month Groceries/Savings Eating out

February $767/$108 $311 = $1,078 for the month on food
March $1,065/$23 $346 = $1,400 for the month...UGGH!!
April $848/$7 $525 =$1,373 for the month....Uggh!

We are an active family of 4 with 2 teenagers. Expensive items like Gatorade, Power bars, Vitamin Water also add to our grocery bill. Our grocery shopping has become Sam's Club and Fresh Market. Although, I know that we save money shopping at Sam's; I save more money when couponing is a priority.

I also include the amount that we spend on school lunches in our eating out budget.

Even though I am spending more on food than I have in the past, I still have to cut our spending in other areas. It isn't like new money is there to make up for my lack of coupon savings. I have 2 children that will be in college soon and other bills that need to be paid.

As I have stated in other posts on my blog, I am also not able to provide as much to our local food pantries when I am not couponing. I need to coupon for my family's savings as well as helping my community.

So, I have said it again...I am going to give it another try....

Here is my plan for this week...

Tuesday, create my Meijer grocery list and clip matching coupons. (I am anticipating this taking awhile because my coupon organization has become a BIG MESS!! Uggh!!)
Wednesday, shop after work with my coupons.
Thursday, make my list for Aldi

I will post my savings and what I spend this first week back on the wagon!!

Wish me luck!!

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