A fist full of coupons, a cart full of goodies, and my favorite cashier at Meijer helped solidify another marvelous experience of savings today!!!
If you frequent the same grocery store, you might have a favorite cashier. Today my favorite cashier was there. I just love Imelda. She gets my coupon addiction. As she rang up my 6 pack of brawny paper towels that rang up for $7.24. She said that is a good deal. I smiled because I had a raincheck to get these paper towels for $5.99 and I had a .50 cent coupon that would be doubled. I purchased these paperttowels for $4.99. A much better savings that the $7.24!! She then turned to me and said now that was a great deal!!!
When I first began my coupon adventure, I would buy the items that we needed without batting an eye at the price. Now don't get me wrong I would buy generic or I might even have a coupon but I didn't play the savings game like I do now.
Even though, we weren't out of paper towels. This price was a great deal so I bought 2 packages. Another strategy that I didn't do before. I would only buy items that we needed on the list and usually we were totally out of that item. Since we were out, I was forced to buy that item whether it was on sale or not. When the cashier rang up my cart of groceries, I would always have a heart attack when my total rang up! Now, almost every grocery item in our home was purchased when it was on sale. This type of savings changes your thinking that you have to buy items even when you don't need them.
Be careful playing this way as you may end up with too many of an item that will spoil before your family eats it or they may grow tired of this item and never get around to eating it! Then this would be a waste of money! Something that I will not allow!!! :)
Now, I watch the cashier as she rings up my coupons and my original price drop and drop and drop.
This just makes me squeal with glee!!!
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