Monday, September 15, 2008

Another great deal at Meijer!! 9/13/08

Well, the sales have been pretty pitiful at Kroger this month. I can't remember the last time I shopped at Kroger. It must have been at least a month ago.

On Saturday evening, I made a Meijer run. In between the rainstorms, I managed to get some groceries. It was another great shop. I owe it all to the grocery game.

I spent 100.00 and saved 67.00 with coupons and shopping the sale! I am so pleased. My husband and daughters were tickled with the snacks and meals and drinks that I brought home. They love helping unload the groceries to see what goodies I came home with this time. Before the grocery game, I found that my grocery shopping was pretty routine. Every trip to the store, I would buy the same thing. Now, with coupons and shopping the sales we are trying more and more items than ever before. Snacks that my kids always wanted but I refused to buy because they were too expensive are coming into our home. They are thrilled with this new way of shopping!

I have also mentioned in a previous post that I don't go to Aldi as often as I use to. I did go this Sunday and bought $20.00 worth of groceries. I went because they have splenda and soft shell tortillas for a good price. Well, I don't know when I will go back again. I price shopped again and I am found out that I am still finding brand name products for cheaper than Aldi brand. If you don't shop the sales and stockpile, Aldi is still a great price to shop.

I also needed sliced cheese which I usually buy at Kroger when it is on sale for $1.67. Well, somehow I had run out and needed more. Aldi had it for $2.00. So, I only bought one package. I plan on keeping my eyes open for the next sale at Kroger so I can save more money!

So, check your prices and look for the best deals with or without coupons!

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